James has always been vocal about his preference for chicken over other meats, especially when we’re eating at home. My few attempts at porkchops have had a lukewarm reception from him (but always with the …

big flavors, little kids, no sleep.
big flavors, little kids, no sleep.
James has always been vocal about his preference for chicken over other meats, especially when we’re eating at home. My few attempts at porkchops have had a lukewarm reception from him (but always with the …
I’ve never been a fan of chili. I’m not sure if the Chili Fairy skipped over my taste buds as I was growing up, or whether I have some dark, repressed memory of a chili …
James never fails to bring up how fickle I used to be about food–as if his entrance into my life introduced me to a world of new, exciting flavors. I suppose he wouldn’t be far …
I remember the first time I made this dish quite clearly. It was not long after I started my post-baccalaureate in Biology and the reality of my situation [read: I’M BROKE!] was really sinking in. …
Every ethnic cuisine has at least one signature dish that exemplifies the nuances and flavor profile of its country or people. Quick–what is the first dish that comes to mind when I mention Japan? England? …
I have a weird addiction that needs to be confessed. I… really love food from one culture as interpreted by another. ‘What?’ you must be thinking. ‘What does that even mean? Is she talking about fusion?’ …
I think I’ve mentioned before that James & I have been on a health kick for a while, so I’ve been baking a lot less and cooking a lot more than usual. More recently, I’ve …
I’ve been on a bit of a health kick recently–exercising (almost) daily, cutting out junk food and sugary drinks, etc. But I’ve never been able to say goodbye to white rice, even though it’s probably …
Unfortunately, I was unable to keep to my regular posting schedule because of a little thing called life. I flew back from Boston to LA on Thursday night, completely negating any kind of follow-up post …
Once upon a blue moon (or, two years ago when I lived in Denver), I borrowed a few cookbooks about Korean and Japanese cuisine from my sister-in-law. A miso glaze caught my eye while flipping …