It’s tough to truly enjoy “eating healthy.” Let’s be real here: when I’m snacking on red bell peppers and non-fat yogurt-based tzaziki, I’m not sighing with giddy delight. Grilled chicken breasts aren’t at the top …

big flavors, little kids, no sleep.
big flavors, little kids, no sleep.
It’s tough to truly enjoy “eating healthy.” Let’s be real here: when I’m snacking on red bell peppers and non-fat yogurt-based tzaziki, I’m not sighing with giddy delight. Grilled chicken breasts aren’t at the top …
The first few times I made quinoa at home, I was thoroughly unimpressed. That’s not to say that I didn’t enjoy it–I just didn’t understand what the hubbub was about. I knew that quinoa …
James and I made a rookie mistake yesterday: we bought produce from Costco. Now I have enough garlic to fight off an entire army of vampires. We also ended up with 24 oz. of …
While reviewing past recipes and the write-up before the recipes, I’ve realized that my blog entries follow a very sad outline: Kris used to think ________ was icky! What a travesty. (soul-searching paragraph) And now …
James is going to be turning the big 3-0 soon, and he was determined to knock a few things off his ‘Dirty Thirty’ list before his birthday. One of the items on his list is …
It’s embarrassing to admit now, but I was not a huge fan of Creole or Cajun food until recently. It seems blasphemous to say something that far-reaching as a food lover–to write off an entire …
James never fails to bring up how fickle I used to be about food–as if his entrance into my life introduced me to a world of new, exciting flavors. I suppose he wouldn’t be far …
I have a weird addiction that needs to be confessed. I… really love food from one culture as interpreted by another. ‘What?’ you must be thinking. ‘What does that even mean? Is she talking about fusion?’ …
I think I’ve mentioned before that James & I have been on a health kick for a while, so I’ve been baking a lot less and cooking a lot more than usual. More recently, I’ve …
Unfortunately, I was unable to keep to my regular posting schedule because of a little thing called life. I flew back from Boston to LA on Thursday night, completely negating any kind of follow-up post …