It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? And like any other repentant blogger, all I can offer in the way of explanation is ‘life.’ But having a life is overrated, am I right? ‘Tis much …

big flavors, little kids, no sleep.
big flavors, little kids, no sleep.
It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? And like any other repentant blogger, all I can offer in the way of explanation is ‘life.’ But having a life is overrated, am I right? ‘Tis much …
My Facebook news feed has become a scrapbook of engagement, wedding and baby pictures. (Whether the individual accounts fall into that chronological order is a topic for another medium.) The pictures of babies have …
Last Thursday was Thanksgiving at our apartment–or, to be more accurate, Orphan Thanksgiving. Not everyone can afford to fly back for two holidays within a month’s span… so for the second year in a row, …
I’ve mentioned before that I’m not the biggest fan of sweets–which, if you follow the pattern of the recipes I post on here, seems pretty hypocritical. I think the biggest word in my tag cloud …
I’m not sure why, but I got a hankering for this cake a few weeks before I flew out to Colorado to spend time with my grandmother. Since she was overseas on a cruise at …
Pardon the dust! I’m totally revamping the site and the cookie recipe can now be found here (or by clicking on the cookie): High-Altitude Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Thanks so much and enjoy!
My father is an unapologetic fan of chocolates and sweets. I remember a never-empty jar of mini-Crunch bars in the den when I was growing up; and a pint of Rocky Road ice cream was …
James likes to brag tell family and coworkers about my baking prowess. This is obviously a compliment, and I (and my ego) am more than happy to oblige these folks when they inevitably say “well, …
I have very fond memories of my grandmother making snickerdoodles for my family when I was little. She used the same cookbook that she had been using for years—the Betty Crocker Cookbook, published in the …
It sounds absolutely ridiculous to long for summer when I live in Southern California… yes, I recognize that I sound spoiled. Springtime in Los Angeles is a temperate paradise compared to the bipolar craziness that …