While reviewing past recipes and the write-up before the recipes, I’ve realized that my blog entries follow a very sad outline: Kris used to think ________ was icky! What a travesty. (soul-searching paragraph) And now …

big flavors, little kids, no sleep.
big flavors, little kids, no sleep.
While reviewing past recipes and the write-up before the recipes, I’ve realized that my blog entries follow a very sad outline: Kris used to think ________ was icky! What a travesty. (soul-searching paragraph) And now …
The idea of any kind of pickled cabbage tasting good with a milk derivative–yeah, I sound like I should be locked up for even suggesting it, right? But contrary to popular belief, kimchi and cheese …
I’ve been on a bit of a health kick recently–exercising (almost) daily, cutting out junk food and sugary drinks, etc. But I’ve never been able to say goodbye to white rice, even though it’s probably …