It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? And like any other repentant blogger, all I can offer in the way of explanation is ‘life.’ But having a life is overrated, am I right? ‘Tis much …

big flavors, little kids, no sleep.
big flavors, little kids, no sleep.
It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? And like any other repentant blogger, all I can offer in the way of explanation is ‘life.’ But having a life is overrated, am I right? ‘Tis much …
I didn’t choose the baking life… the baking life chose me. Seriously–for someone who doesn’t really enjoy baked goods that much, I sure make a hell of a lot of them. And now that I …
My Facebook news feed has become a scrapbook of engagement, wedding and baby pictures. (Whether the individual accounts fall into that chronological order is a topic for another medium.) The pictures of babies have …
I know what you’re thinking, especially if you follow this blog with any kind of regularity: Kris, where hast thou gone? My only (poor, to be frank) excuses involve a new job, a constant stream …
Trying to bake or cook in someone else’s kitchen is always a tough order. I wanted to make something fresh for my friend’s Memorial Day BBQ, but was baffled as to what I could bake …
The cookie drought is over! Hallelujah! I think my soul just missed baking. Now how dramatic is that? Truth is, as much as I love cooking and throwing together meals for friends, baking has …
It was mid-July of 2012, and our wedding was a mere 2 months away. Wedding had taken over my brain some time ago, but in the last desperate dash toward “The Day” I found myself …
Last Thursday was Thanksgiving at our apartment–or, to be more accurate, Orphan Thanksgiving. Not everyone can afford to fly back for two holidays within a month’s span… so for the second year in a row, …
I’ve mentioned before that I’m not the biggest fan of sweets–which, if you follow the pattern of the recipes I post on here, seems pretty hypocritical. I think the biggest word in my tag cloud …
A few weekends ago, I was given a bounty of persimmons from my aunt. Her sister has a large persimmon tree in her yard that apparently inundates their family with persimmons come fall–her family, in …