Isn’t it funny how we seem to be much more productive when we have less time to do everything? Now that I’m on a regular work schedule again, I find myself making to-do lists left …

big flavors, little kids, no sleep.
big flavors, little kids, no sleep.
Isn’t it funny how we seem to be much more productive when we have less time to do everything? Now that I’m on a regular work schedule again, I find myself making to-do lists left …
While reviewing past recipes and the write-up before the recipes, I’ve realized that my blog entries follow a very sad outline: Kris used to think ________ was icky! What a travesty. (soul-searching paragraph) And now …
James is going to be turning the big 3-0 soon, and he was determined to knock a few things off his ‘Dirty Thirty’ list before his birthday. One of the items on his list is …
It’s embarrassing to admit now, but I was not a huge fan of Creole or Cajun food until recently. It seems blasphemous to say something that far-reaching as a food lover–to write off an entire …
James and I are fortunate enough to live near Little Osaka in West Los Angeles–honestly, we probably patronize restaurants on this street at least twice a week. It is invaluable to have such a great array …
I’ve never been a fan of chili. I’m not sure if the Chili Fairy skipped over my taste buds as I was growing up, or whether I have some dark, repressed memory of a chili …
Every ethnic cuisine has at least one signature dish that exemplifies the nuances and flavor profile of its country or people. Quick–what is the first dish that comes to mind when I mention Japan? England? …
James is a bona-fide coffee addict. I’m not sure if this particular aspect of his personality originated during his undergraduate studies at Cornell or earlier. I do know that by the time we started dating, …