My Facebook news feed has become a scrapbook of engagement, wedding and baby pictures. (Whether the individual accounts fall into that chronological order is a topic for another medium.) The pictures of babies have …

big flavors, little kids, no sleep.
big flavors, little kids, no sleep.
My Facebook news feed has become a scrapbook of engagement, wedding and baby pictures. (Whether the individual accounts fall into that chronological order is a topic for another medium.) The pictures of babies have …
I know what you’re thinking, especially if you follow this blog with any kind of regularity: Kris, where hast thou gone? My only (poor, to be frank) excuses involve a new job, a constant stream …
I’ve mentioned before that I’m not the biggest fan of sweets–which, if you follow the pattern of the recipes I post on here, seems pretty hypocritical. I think the biggest word in my tag cloud …
A few weekends ago, I was given a bounty of persimmons from my aunt. Her sister has a large persimmon tree in her yard that apparently inundates their family with persimmons come fall–her family, in …
Hello! I love bread, don’t you? It may not be the most diet-friendly food around… or easiest to make at times… but man, that first bite from a freshly baked loaf can’t be beat. My …
This entry is linked to my Copycat Zuppa Toscana recipe. Don’t get me wrong–these breadsticks are delicious with just about anything. But man, are they good with this particular soup! Bread is one of my …
Figs are a funny type of fruit to me. I didn’t grow up with them around the house, and my only knowledge of their existence lay with the ‘Fig Newton’ cookies I would try occasionally …
Hooray for autumn! Which, in my opinion, is a much more beautiful word to describe this season than fall. I know I live in perpetually 70°F Los Angeles, but I still get excited about the …
For the past few months, James and I have been religiously watching our intake of carbohydrates. All of the sweets you see posted on here? I usually get rid of them as quickly as I …
Pardon the dust! I’m totally revamping the site and the cookie recipe can now be found here (or by clicking on the cookie): High-Altitude Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Thanks so much and enjoy!