big flavors, little kids, no sleep.


An Introduction

a cake en route to its destination… your stomach

Hello, and welcome to the umpteenth food blog you’ve probably perused today!

I suppose I should be a little less self-deprecating, but that’s the personality I was born with. I know that I’m jumping onto this wave at its swell, and there’s no telling how long this renaissance of interest in food will last. But I’ve never been concerned with how trendy my interest in food is.

I really love food and the pursuit of better techniques and ingredients. Learning about how to make great food is one of my greatest joys, second only to seeing my friends and family enjoy what I’ve made. I can spend all day in the kitchen and only realize my exhaustion when I sit down to eat. I devour cookbooks and books on culinary technique, and am always eager to try something new.

In no way would I ever consider myself a chef or even a master at cooking or baking–I have plenty of mishaps in the kitchen and have no formal training whatsoever. But I think that makes this site much more personal; in the end, I’m just writing about my experiences as I attempt recipes (and hopefully in the future, try to craft my own).

I hope that this site will provide you with interesting insight and tips into recipes that tickle your fancy. If I can make a recipe that previously was too intricate or daunting to you seem approachable and fun, then all of my missteps and trial-and-errors will be worth it! In the end, I just want to share my love of food and hopefully encourage you to cultivate your own skills in the kitchen.

Thanks for listening to my spiel, y’all. And now… it’s time for the noms.


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